Carroll Ditteaux Memorial Scholarship Tournament-2023

Presented by:

December 9, 2023

$10,000.00 Guaranteed Prize Fund for 1st Place Finishers!!

Carroll Ditteaux Memorial Scholarship Scotch Doubles Tournament is bowling competition for High School Bowlers, hosted by Virginia Beach Youth Bowling Inc, at Pinboy's at the Beach on December 9th & 10th 2023. The family of Carroll Ditteaux has donated $10,000 to supplement the prize fund. Rules and registration information is below. If you have any questions feel free to  contact us.

**Rules and Information update on 10/26/2023. The 1pm qualifying squad was removed and match play has been moved to Saturday.


Carroll Ditteaux Memorial Scholarship Scotch Doubles Tournament

DATE: December 9, 2023

1. This is a USBC Certified Tournament. All bowlers must have current USBC membership. 

2. Maximum age to enter is 19 as of 8/1/2023. 

3. This is a scratch event bowled in a Scotch Doubles format. 

4. All bowlers must be enrolled/active High School students in the 9th through 12th Grade level.

a. Bowlers are responsible for providing verification of high school enrollment.   

5. Teams are composed of either two Senior boys, 2 Senior girls, 2 Junior boys, 2 Junior girls, or a Sophomore and a Freshman that has to be a boy and a girl in different grade levels.

6. Up to three teams will be assigned to each pair of lanes. Teams will alternate lanes each frame. All games will be bowled on the same pair of lanes. 

7. Bowlers on the team alternate delivery of every ball (including 10th frame), except for the beginning of a new game. 

a. Each bowler on the team will deliver the first ball of every other game. 

8. Pinboy’s at the Beach ‘house pattern’ will be the lane condition.

9. Lane conditioning will be done prior to each Saturday squad. 

10. Lane conditioning will be done once, prior to Match Play on Sunday. (No Longer Applicable, See rules addendum above)

11. Saturday qualifying rounds will consist of 10 games of Scotch Doubles bowling. Total pins for the 10 games will determine advancers to the Match Play round and Match Play seeding. 

12. $10,000.00 guaranteed prize fund from Sponsors.

a. Additional prize fund from entry fees, fundraising, and added funds.

13. All prizes will be scholarship awards posted to SMART account 9942. 

14. Entries are to be submitted online at

a. Incomplete entries will not be accepted.     

15. Multiple entries permitted, however, only with the same team mate.

a. Teams can only advance once to Sunday Finals. 

b. Teams that qualify to advance more than one time will receive a $100 award in lieu of the 2nd advancement.

16. Entry fees:

a. Entries without full payment for two bowlers will not be accepted. 

b. $100.00 per team per squad

i. Lineage - $20.00 

ii. Expenses - $0.00 

iii. Prize - $80.00 

c. A Late Fee of $20.00 per team entry will be charged for any entries postmarked or completed online after November 30, 2023.

i. Late fees are added to the prize fund. 

d. A Walk-in Fee of $20.00 per team entry will be charged for new entries the day of the tournament.

i. The walk-in fee does not apply to bowlers who compete in the first squad and re-enter in the second squad. 

ii. Walk-in fees are added to the prize fund.     

e. All prize fees will be returned 100%.

f. Payments can be made to VBYBI by: 

i. Cash, Credit Card, or PayPal     

17. Event Format: 

 a. Two-day event 

i. Saturday Qualifying Rounds:

a.   If entries are limited (less than 8 teams in a division), the Qualifying Round will be waived for that division, and teams will advance to Match Play finals at 2:00 pm.

b.   Teams whose Qualifying Round has been waived may bowl a practice session from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm.

c.   If all divisions Qualifying Rounds are waived, a practice session will held from 9:00 am to 10:00 am and Match Play finals will begin at 11:00 am.

d.   Bowlers must check-in at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the squad start time.

                                ii. Match Play Finals:

1.      2:00 pm (check-in 1:00 pm)

a.      Bowlers must check-in at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the squad start time.

2.      The top 8 teams in each division from both Saturday squads combined advance to Sunday Match Play Finals and cash.


3.       Match Play Finals are a ‘round-robin’ format.

a.      Each team will bowl one match against each other team in their division.

b.      If division has an odd number of teams, each team will have a bye match. Bye match pin fall will count in the match play finals total. No bonus pins will be awarded.

c.      Each match will be 2 games of Scotch Doubles bowling. Total pins determines winners of the match. Each bowler on the team will deliver the 1st ball of a game.

d.      Bonus pins are added at the end of the match:

                                                                                  i.     20 pins for each match won.

e.      Tied matches will be resolved by a Best Ball roll-off.

       i.     Both bowlers on each team will bowl one ball at a full set of pins. The team with the highest two-ball                 total will be declared winner of the match.

4.      Tournament winners are determined by Sunday Match Play pin fall plus Bonus Pins.

a.      Only Sunday finalists will receive team scholarship awards.

b.      Saturday pin fall does not carry over.

18. Divisional Competition:     

a.      Junior Girls - Junior Boys - Senior Girls - Senior Boys – Mixed 9th/10th Grade & Gender

19. Prize fund distributions: after Sunday match play finals

a. $10,000.00 Sponsor funds – 1st place only – each division – Guaranteed

 i.     4  junior/senior divisions - $2250.00 each 1st place team ($1125.00 per bowler)

ii.     1 mixed 9th/10th grade division - $1000.00 1st place team ($500.00 per bowler)

b. Entry fees / Late fees / Walk-in fees / & all other added funds – 2nd through 8th places

i. Team prize fund for each division - $70.00 from each team entry & 100% of all late fees/walk-in fees/added funds. Guaranteed minimum payouts for Sunday finalists:

 Junior/Senior Divisions                                 9th/10th Grade Division

2nd place             $700 ($350 per bowler)                               $400 ($200 per bowler)

3rd place              $600 ($300 per bowler)                               $350 ($175 per bowler)

4th place              $500 ($250 per bowler)                               $300 ($150 per bowler)

5th place              $400 ($200 per bowler)                               $250 ($125 per bowler)

6th place              $300 ($150 per bowler)                               $200 ($100 per bowler)

7th place              $200 ($100 per bowler)                               $150 ($75 per bowler)

8th place              $100 ($50 per bowler)                                 $100 ($50 per bowler)

ii. Special team recognition – $10.00 from each team entry 

20. Special Team Recognition:

a. 300 Game (Saturday and Sunday) - $50.00 per team per occurrence 

b. Saturday Qualifying

i. Clean Game - $10.00 per team per occurrence 

ii. Clean 10 Game Series - $40.00 per team per occurrence     

c. Excess unused special team recognition prize funds will be added to the team prize fund for 2nd place through last paid position awards.

21. Standings will be posted on All standings will be unofficial until declared official in writing by the Tournament Manager. 

22. All tournament staff and volunteers will be SafeSport compliant per USBC guidelines. 

23. All decisions of the tournament manager are final unless an appeal is made in accordance with USBC Rule 329. 

24. All USBC rules will apply. 

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